Spring photos central Ontario

my photos this week in Tay Township about 100 miles north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and one mile south of Georgian Bay…..

Spring means

No more gloves or heavy winter coats. Morning sarcasm from thevcrow squadron. Yesterday around supper time, eight Canada Geese flew over announcing their return from down south. The safety sand and other grime coat the sunlight melting snowbanks looking like ice cream someone forgot to put back in the freezer. I look forward to sitting in the deck in shorts and a t shirt and bare feet. Soon, so very soon.


I have a bad case of the Februaries, an ailment where irritability peaks,  the hope that Spring will show up diminishes, on the plus side I am losing weight exactly according to plan.  I am five pounds heavier than when I was in university back in the 12th century.

Dialysis treatments lately have been quite smooth, although one of the pair of needles that go into my forearm for treatments today hurt like a sonofagun.

Too much dirty snow around.  Too many grey skies.  The only sunny days are usually brutally cold.   We seem to be threatened at least once a week by possible freezing rain.

I deactivated my Facebook account.  Had enough.  My social network digital life can go jump in some digital lake.

Finally figured out a key camera function setting on my Nikon D3100, sometimes I am only about ten per cent as smart as I would like to think I am.

The dog thinks I am crazy.  The cats have forgotten who I am.

I would like Spring to come early.   Trouble is Ontario has a wretched Spring, cold, wet, grey skied days, where snow finally recedes leaving us with grime from the sand thrown on the roads and the mud that has been waiting for the heat to return them to their normal state.  Then just aw we are all about to sell and move south, we get a hot spell, a thunderstorm and everything in the local corner of the universe bursts into bud and then almost too quickly to be imagined, full green leaves and we are saved.